Conditions Treated

We provide a Superior level of Care for the Back and Spine. Mr Alrawi's Experience and Skills covers all Spinal Pathologies. His special interests include Minimally invastive and Robotic Spinal Surgery. Whether it is non-operative care or Surgical Solutions, we are capable to meet your expectations.

Back Pain

We use latest procedures and technology to bring a safe, minimally-invasive solution to back pain and serious spinal problems.

Herniated Disc

We use latest minimally invasive procedures to correct herniated discs so you can live a more active, pain-free life.

Lower Back Pain

We can help you decide on the best option based on your current symptoms and expectations in an individualized way.


We use minimally invasive techniques to relieve the pressure on the spinal nerves and give you a better chance for recovery.

Neck Pain

if your spinal cord is not critically threatened then a conservative approach is always recommended at first.


we understand the painful effects of spinal fractures and use less invasive techniques to provide pain relief and path to recovery.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

we offer cutting-edge treatments for SI joint dysfunction. We use minimally invasive procedures to provide pain relief.


we use cutting-edge minimally invasive procedures to help correct scoliosis. Because we use minimally invasive techniques rather than conventional back surgery.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition that must be taken care of immediately. We handled numerous spinal stenosis cases, providing advanced, minimally invasive solutions to patients in need.